Tuesday, June 16, 2020

How to Replace Fuel Filter Cartridge for Komatsu PC45-1 Excavator?

Komatsu PC45-1 Excavator maintenacne for every 100-250 hours should be carried out at the same time.2018 Komatsu CSS Full Set Parts Catalogue+Service
Replace fuel filter cartridge
Engine is at hight temperature immediately after the machine has been operated.Wait for engine to cool down before replacing the filter.
Do not bring fire or sparks near the fuel/

Prepare the following
Filter wrench for fuel filter element
Container to catch drained fuel

1.Set the container to catch the fuel under the filter element.
2.Using the filter wrench,loosen ring,when remove element cup and take out element.
3.Wash element cup in light oil or in a cleaning oil and install a new element.
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When replacing a fuel filter element,replace the filter O-ring at the same time.
4.Set the fuel control lever to the low idling position.
5.After replacing the fuel filter element bleed the air.

Procedure for bleeding air:
1)Fill the fuel tqank with fuel(to the FULL position on fuel gauge)
2)Turn the starting switch key to the START position,and turn the starting motor for 15-20 seconds to crank the engine.The automatic air bleed device will automatically bleed the air,and the engine will start.

After reunning the starting motor once ,wait for at least 2 minutes before unning it again.
After repalceing the filter element ,start the engine to check for oil leakage from the filter seal.


When the enigne has run out of the fuel,carry out the same procedure and crank the engine for 15-20 seconds.
Repeat this operation 2-3 times to bleed the air.

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