Monday, November 9, 2020

How to Weld Perkins E66TA Engine Correctly

Proper welding procedures are necessary in orderto avoid damage to the engines ECM, sensors, andassociated components. So here is a step-by-step guide on how to weld Perkins E66TA engine correctly.

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When possible, removethe component from the unit and then weld thecomponent. If removal of the component is notpossible, the following procedure must be followedwhen you weld on a unit equipped with an ElectronicEngine. The following procedure is considered to bethe safest procedure to weld on a component. Thisprocedure should provide a minimum risk of damageto electronic components.

Do not ground the welder to electrical componentssuch as the ECM or sensors. Improper grounding cancause damage to the drive train bearings, hydrauliccomponents, electrical components, and other com-ponents.Clamp the ground cable from the welder to the com-ponent that will be welded. Place the clamp as closeas possible to the weld. This will help reduce the pos-sibility of damage

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Note:Perform the welding in areas that are free fromexplosive hazards.1.Stop the engine. Turn the switched power to the OFF position.

2.Ensure that thefuel supply to the engine is turnedoff.

3.Disconnect the negative battery cable from thebattery. If a battery disconnect switch is provided,open the switch.

4.Disconnect all electronic components fromthe wiring harnesses. Include the followingcomponents:

•Electronic components for the driven equipment



•Electronically controlled valves


•Aftertreatment ID module

5.Connect the welding ground cable directly tothe part that will be welded. Place the groundcableascloseaspossibletotheweldinordertoreduce the possibility of welding current damageto the following components. Bearings, hydrauliccomponents, electrical components, and groundstraps.

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Note:If electrical/electronic components are usedas a ground for the welder, or electrical/electroniccomponents are located between the welder groundand the weld, currentflow from the welder couldseverely damage the component.

6.Protect the wiring harness from welding debrisand spatter.

7.Use standard welding practices to weld thematerials

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