Sunday, December 19, 2021

Bendi IV Series Lift Truck Navitas Controller Correct Discrepancies Guide

This instruction show you guide on how to correct discrepancies navitas controller for Bendi IV series lift truck.

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Bendi series iv lift truck with navitas controllers and a single curtis bdi (pn 139879) installed.

To correct discrepancies between the curtis display and lift lockout function of the navitas controller.

This modification consists of adjuting the curtis bdi mounted in the steering column.

Work is to be performed when in area or during preventive maintenence

Technical Information
Bulletin sent to provide technical information regarding a minor adjustment that is to be applied as required.

Maximum of 1.0 hr labor will be allowed. as stated in compliance (see above), this modificaiton is to be performed during preventtive maintenance. therefore, no travel and/or diagnostic time will be paid (unlike standard procedure) to perform this modificatrion.

Remove steering wheel and instrument panel assembly. adjust setting on the rear of the curtis bdi to “m” as shown on fig.1. reassemble steering column.

Turn on key and check for operation of the bdi. note: depending on the state of the battery at the time of this modification, the bdi may require one charge cycle of the battery to reset and accurately display battery information.

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